This is intended to help conceptualize requests.

We recommend tools such as Postman or ApiDog for development and testing.

Parameter Description TypeScript Value
token (Required) Your API Token string
pretty (Optional) true means the response json will include white space for readability. Default is false. boolean
form_id (Required) The id of the form. number
limit (Optional) The maximum number of responses to return. Max 500. Defaults to 10. Use page to fetch additional responses. number
page (Optional) The page of responses to return. Defaults to 1. The response field paging.last_page tells you what the last valid page number is. number
observer_id (Optional) Filters responses by the user id of the observer. string
followups (Optional) Filter responses by whether follow-ups are pending. Defaults to including all responses. all or undefined includes all responses. pending only includes responses with pending follow-ups. string
before (Optional) Only include responses submitted before the given date. Should be formatted as the number of milliseconds since 1970. number
after (Optional) Only include responses submitted after the given date. Should be formatted as the number of milliseconds since 1970. number
updated_before (Optional) Only include responses updated before the given date. Should be formatted as the number of milliseconds since 1970. number
updated_after (Optional) Only include responses updated after the given date. Should be formatted as the number of milliseconds since 1970. number
latest (Optional) The actual responses for each question, location, weather, etc are not returned by default. Include these elements with true. Default is false. This data will be returned in the latest property which represents the latest revision of the response. boolean
deleted (Optional) false (default): only returns non-deleted responses. true: only returns deleted responses. boolean